Friday, May 24, 2013

Tick Tock Goes the Clock....

Everyday seems one day closer to our adoption, and while the excitement is plentiful the impatience is unbearable some days. Yesterday Chris and I got all our fingerprinting done and today we dropped off all the paper work all filled out. Now we wait....they tell us it should only take 2 weeks, but we all know how the government can work sometimes. We hope it all comes back on time so that we can start our PS-MAPP   class and home study in July. 

We hope this journey not only enjoyable for others to read but we hope it brings inspiration to others to take a look at adoption/ Foster Care. Not only infant adoption but older child(ren) adoption/ Foster Care. There are a lot of questions to ask yourself before you take on the process of adopt or Foster care.
Are you ready to take on the different special needs?- Some of these children have special needs such as mental or emotional distress. Or they have been abandoned, abused or have medical needs such as down syndrome or something more serious.
Are you able to get over the fact they aren't 'Your Blood'?- If you sit and think to yourself that you prefer your own children, but if you were 'unable' to have kids, I guess I would adopt, well maybe its not for you. If you can say you prefer your own child(ren) could you really love that adoptive child to the fullest?  Going through this process you need to be able to love that child as your own, not as anything less. 

Are you doing this for the money?- Well if you think your going to make a ton of money being a foster or adoptive parent, think again. While you do get a check to help with somethings its not going to make you rich by any means. 

While these are just some of the things to think about there are always a lot more. We enjoy sharing all of this with everyone. Feel free to ask us any questions along the process we would be more than happy to share. The last bit I'd like to leave you with is to remember that while bearing your own child is special, giving a child a family and a home who doesn't have one is just as special and very selfless. Oh and you don't have to not be able to have children to adopt/foster. Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend. 

Lots of Love C&C

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